Posh Principessa

Friday, January 20, 2012

Cinderella's Posh Tea Party on Show Me St. Louis

We were super excited when we received the email from Julie Tristan from Channel 5 ...Cinderella's Posh Tea Party was going to be featured on Show Me St. Louis. We were honored to work with Julie two years ago and had a blast. So, we knew great fun was in our near future...We were right!

If these four girls' smiles say anything about the upcoming Cinderella's Posh Tea Party, be ready for some fun! All of our Posh Principesse did an amazing job, and I really enjoyed watching them run around in their Posh gear. Here are some outakes of the shoot showing the events that will take place at the tea party.

Let's start off with Cinderella...she WILL be at the tea party:) Seeing the girls' eyes light up when Cinderella walked in the room was priceless!

Greg with My Handyworks will have exclusive Princess designs, a crown and Cinderella. I personally think they are the cutest ever. The girls use their hand prints and Greg draws in the design. This will be an additional cost, and there is no appointment needed. Oh and I was so excited to hang the finished product, I wanted to share how it looks in her playroom ;)

Next, there will be mini photo sessions with Laurie Nowling with Bliss Eleven Studios. The photo sessions will be about 5 minutes and will include 2 images (emailed to you). The cost for one princess to be in the shoot is $25. If you decide to add a sister or best friend, the cost is $40. Mommy's, if you decide to hop in the picture with your princess...there is no additional cost, as long as you promise to smile good for Laurie ;) Appointments must be made for this. If you have tickets to the event and decide you want to do this event, email us at poshprincipessa@gmail.com so we can give you a time.

Next, we will have Belleza hair salon. The price of your ticket includes a 5 minute mini-glam. This will be a quick hair do and light make-up. There will also be pink hair and feathers for an additional $10. By the way, Ava LOVES her pink hair and will not let me take it out.

Last but NOT least. We will have a runway show of our new Posh Principessa Spring 2012 line. We have a new styled pillowcase dress, a few fun knit dresses, and lots of ruffles. We will also have some great sales on our previous lines. Pocket Full of Poseys will also be there selling their made-to-match headbands.

And I just couldn't post outakes without posting this pic. I am getting interviewed while my daughter is doing backward rolls with her bottom up in the air facing the t.v. Oh...I love her so :)

Tentitive Schedule of Events for the Tea Party
11:00-12:00 5 Minute Mini Glam with Belleza, visit with Cinderella, shopping with Posh Principessa (use your $10 Posh Cash) and Pocket Full of Poseys, artwork with MyHandy Works
12:10-12:20 Runway show of Posh Principessa Spring Line 2012
12:20-12:50 Tea Party with crown P & J (turkey sandwiches for queens), pink lemonade, cupcake
12:50-1:00 Door Prizes

Mini shoots with Bliss Eleven will take place throughout the event at your scheduled appointment time.

Each princess will receive a tiara, numerous coupons to local shops (value over $20 in coupons), and lunch.

In case you missed the clip on Show Me St. Louis, check it out here. This event is put together by www.kjsevents.com!
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