Posh Principessa

Friday, August 20, 2010

It's A...

We are so excited to share our news with you...

We found out this week that we are having a little boy. Ava is so excited... Daddy's smile was so big when he found out, he could barely fit through the door... and Mommy has had fun filling up his closet with clothes already :) This is the first boy in our house, my parent's house, and my sister's house (including dogs). Finally, Grandpa will have a partner in crime!

So...Ava has the best sitter in the world. She is so calm and patient, and Ava loves it at her house. They have so much fun!! This week Ava had her first Show-N-Tell. I have to admit, I was more excited than she was. Wasn't this the cutest idea? We had to put something orange, red, blue, and green in her bag. I hunted through the entire house, this was hard. I wanted to find the most fun things:) So, we found a red "A" for her name, an orange basketball to show everyone how to shoot, a green "PICKLEHEAD" (the famous name calling word at Mindy's), and a blue carriage for her new baby brother. Ava is so lucky to have Mindy in her "village".

I couldn't help but to post this picture. The pic was taken by Laurie Nowling, the tie is a Posh Principessa tie, and the outfit can be found at Puddle Ducks. I just LOVE it!
Puddle Ducks will be carrying most of our fall line. Here are a few things that you can find at their store in September. Stop by and check them out.

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